Vinay Kumar Sorake, Urban Development Minister, on Monday directed officials to take immediate action regarding the damage to mattu gulla crop in and around Mattu due to saline water flooding the fields. He was chairing the tri-monthly Karnataka Development Programme meeting here.
Mr. Sorake directed the officials of the Horticulture Department to immediately respond to the farmers’ losses. He also directed them to prepare a report on the damage to the mattu gulla crop. He also sought details of other crop that were destroyed due to the flooding of fields in Katapady and Hiriyadka villages.
K.A. Vijaykumar, Joint Director of Horticulture, said that 16.20 acres of land with the mattu gulla crop, belonging to 20 farmers, had been destroyed due to sea water flooding the fields during high tide. The department had currently estimated the loss suffered at Rs. 26 lakh, he said.
Mr. Sorake said that water scarcity was likely in some places during the summer months in the district. Even permanent sources of water are shrinking during the summer. Hence, officials should come up with alternative solutions to deal with drinking water problems.
He said the district administration had prepared an action plan of Rs. 690 crore to provide permanent drinking water facilities in the rural areas of the district and this would be submitted to the State government shortly.
The Varahi Irrigation Project work was progressing smoothly and only two kilometres of canal work needed to be completed. This was expected to be completed by the end of March and water would flow through the canals in April, he said.
R. Vishal, Deputy Commissioner, said all problems relating to the Forest and Revenue Departments with regard to the Varahi Irrigation Project had been solved.
Mr. Sorake said that an amount of Rs. 80 crore had been released for the development of Udupi under the Asian Development Bank Scheme. A study was being conducted to provide drinking water facilities throughout the district till 2040.
He said that the State government had submitted a proposal to the Centre to give Udupi the ‘Heritage Town’ tag but it was given to Badami. The department would send a proposal to the Centre to include Udupi in the list of smart cities. Mr. Sorake directed the officials to utilise all the funds allotted to their departments by March 9.
Newshub/24 February 2015